File Naming Tips
/As you can probably guess, files named photo.jpg and SOW.pdf give me anxiety. Every file that you save on your computer should have a specific file naming convention. It will save you an incredible amount of time when you attempt to find a file again.
Below are 4 tips for naming your files.
- Use a formula that includes content-specific differentiators
- A file that is saved to your computer should never be named SOW_v1.pdf or Picture_012515.jpg. Make sure you use differentiators such as the project name or the client name. ClientX_ProjectY_SOW_v1.pdf is much more descriptive and prevents you having multiple files named the exact same thing.
- Think about how you want your files to sort in a list
- Do you want to be able to easily sort all files associated with a project first and then the deliverable type? Or do you want to be able to sort by deliverable type associated with a client and then view by project? The difference would be ClientX_SOW_ProjectY_v1.pdf versus ClientX_ProjectY_SOW_v1.pdf. I personally prefer the latter but consider your own sorting needs when establishing your file naming formula.
- Have an approach for version control
- By looking at the file name, you should know what is the latest version of a file. Whether you use the date or v1 or R1 or another method, establish a consistent solution.
- Be consistent
- Once you pick a formula that has the components that are necessary for you, use it consistently. If ClientName comes first, make sure all files associated with that client include ClientName at the beginning.
A note about file folders. Even in putting together the examples for the screenshot used in this blog post, I could not leave a mix of fake client files in one folder. I create file folders for every component of a project. As a result, my file folders generally only contain rounds and versions of the same deliverable type. I support whatever system works for the person using it but I highly suggest organizing files into detailed folders for sanity sake. More on that to come in later blog posts.
What other tips do you keep in mind with your file naming convention? Let me know in the comments section below.